Public property belongs to all of us.
People in any country have the reponsibility to protect public property because it belongs to all of us.public property is what is provided by the government as goods and service to help to live organized and confortable lives.facilities such as transport ,hospital ,school ,park and electricity water and others by the provided by the government .
If we think of public is very important that people. both, young and old who travel by bus or train should be awer of thire reponsibility .these should not be vandalised.we have learnt school about this awful habit.specialy for young students who are the main users of the public transport system. They do not relize that there own younger brothers and sisters have to use them in the future .
However the public road system is used carelessly by adults . digging holes or drains for personal need such as weddings,funeral or musical show is not considerate and is not and action of a responsible citizen.
Thank You ... ✍️
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